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Education-Jordan Times, Dr Ibraheem Hijazi MD

As I watch my loved and highly respected mother teaching and encouraging her grandchildren to learn, I remember my childhood and being exposed to the same upbringing. Our household like the rest of the society places high emphasis on education.

The plethora of private schools and Universities are a response to a massive demand and a witness to the extent that ordinary people are willing to spend their savings and pensions on their children’s education, hoping that such an investment will give them that extra edge in an increasingly competitive and demanding world.

Despite such good intensions and a massive national investment in education we still produce a poorly educated and prepared work force that is struggling to help our economy or compete internationally. The reasons behind this are complex and multifaceted.

To most Jordanians the experience of education is about learning books and scoring well in exams. This predictably produces individuals who lack the ability for critical thinking and problem solving. The ability to apply gained knowledge is what education is all about. "Knowledge free education" produces an army of degree holders with little else. Moreover, the emphasis on “quantity rather than quality” has made education in Jordan a commodity and devalued degrees. Our employment system and selection criteria do not distinguish between the Harvard graduate and any other.

Blaming it all on our educational institutions ignores the role that our homes and local communities play in our education. Teaching our children tolerance and that prejudice is blind starts at home, our children copy our communication and inter -personal skills. It is worrying to witness the changing social values and sense of right and wrong in our community and the detachment of our youth form our history, language and heritage. This dramatic change in our social fabric erodes our identity and community spirit which is reflect ive of the collective failure of our education system.

Blaming it all on our educational institutions ignores the role that our homes and local communities play in our education. Teaching our children tolerance and that prejudice is blind starts at home, our children copy our communication and inter -personal skills. It is worrying to witness the changing social values and sense of right and wrong in our community and the detachment of our youth form our history, language and heritage. This dramatic change in our social fabric erodes our identity and community spirit which is reflect ive of the collective failure of our education system.

Civilized societies are metocratic; they are based on talent, ability, competition and hard work. This encourages our brightest and most able to immigrate where they are well rewarded socially and financially. The tide of immigration of such talent is alarming and should be reversed. Investing in our children’s education is helping to fuel the economies of Europe and USA. Such economies are already rich in talent but finds space for our best in their economy, social and human sciences.

Teaching communication and inter-personal skills are essential skills that can not be over emphasized. Change is progressive and constant; we should not resist change but make sure that change is consistent with our principles and ideals.

Our governmental, university and sacred institutions should be forced to apply principles of governance and accountability. Reward merit and ability, there should be no place for life long jobs where “doing your time’ is enough for continued promotion, privileges and insulates one from constant competition and improvement. Moreover the spread of the culture of Sycophancy in our society drives the able and talented out and helps to create an environment that devalues hard work and ability.

Critical analysis of our shortcomings and educational failures is essential in reversing the tide of mediocrity that is overwhelming our society. We need to act now, enough is enough?

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00962795737415 / 0096265690520

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