Complex fractures of the hip, knee, ankle, Elbow and Shoulder.
Road traffic accidents related injuries, you will not be in better more caring hands,where the purpose of our team is to get you back to a normal functioning life.
Dr Hijazi specialise is accurate fixation of complex fractures and early return to normal function.
New Patients Attending Clinic
Preoperative instructions:
- What to expect, what to bring and how to prepare for Surgery
- Bring all X rays, MRI’s, CT scan and relevant investigations
- Fast from midnight the day before Surgery, food and drink
- Take your admission note to the hospital reception desk where your name and details of your operation will be known to the staff and you will be admitted to your room
New Patients Undergoing an Operation
- Bring all the relevant X rays, medical reports and any relevant investigations
- Dr Hijazi deals with surgical problems and is available to advise on complex orthopaedic problems
Day of Surgery
The anaesthetist will come and see you and assess you ,if not done already. They will make sure that you are fit for anaesthesia. Please tell us in advance if you have common colds, throat or urine infection.
It is our objective that our patients will suffer little pain, we give adequate analgesia and encourage our patients to inform us and the nursing team of any unnecessary suffering so that can be adequately addressed.
Post Operative Instructions
After the operation, The physiotherapist will come and see you to discuss rehabilitation and initiate physiotherapy.
Analgesia and the necessary medication will be prescribed upon discharge and we encourage our patients to ring us on 079 573 7415 to report any pain or have any queries.
General Postoperative Instructions
- Medication:
Only take the pain medication that Dr. Hijazi has prescribed for you. Follow the prescription instructions carefully . Usually you are prescriped a NSAIDs such as Celebrex and a narcotic such as Tramal, Tramal will only be dispenced in hospital. - Ice machines and bags of ice:
Ice your shoulder or knee 4-5 times a day for 20 minutes at a time. Dr Hijazi recommend that you do this at least for the first 3 days after surgery. - Follow-up appointment:
Usually it is necessary to be seen in the office 10 days after the operation, where any sutures can be removed and the wounds inspected. Dr Hijazi will usually see you 4 weeks after the procedure. - Therapy:
Dr Hijazi’s therapist is Khaled Zeedan, please ring him on Tel no 07957 83562 to organise your therapy sessions.
Dr. Hijazi will decide based on your surgery when to start physiotherapy. If you are not sure, please call the office. - Slings and Braces:
Please wear you sling or brace at all times until your follow up appointment with Dr. Hijazi. Only remove your sling for PT, home exercises and bathing. To bathe under your surgical arm, lean forward from your waist and allow your arm to fall forward to wash under your arm. Do not lean to the side. You can put a washcloth under your arm for comfort if you choose. If you are wearing a Ghilchrist brace, do not remove your brace. - Home Exercises 3-5 times a day:
Take your arm out of your sling to move your elbow and wrist, but not your shoulder. Move your elbow up and down, move your wrist in a circular motion and make a fist 10-15 times each hour to help reduce swelling in your hand and arm. - Driving:
Please do not drive for 4-6 weeks or as otherwise told by Dr Romeo. You should not drive while you are still on Tramal. - Wound Care:
You can change your dressing in two (2) days. Remove the old bandage and you will see old blood and (Steri-strips). Leave the strips in place. DO NOT PUT any alcohol, lotions, or any other medications on your sutures. You can clean AROUND the area with a CLEAN washcloth and soap and water ONLY. Cover the area with a clean dressing (4X4) from the drug store. - When to call the office:
If you have a fever above 37.5, chills, sweats, excessive bleeding (example: you had to change the dressing twice), foul odor, excessive redness, excruciating pain, yellow or green discharge, or if you think you have an infection call 079 919 57 61 ask to speak to Dr Hijazi’s Assistant. - What To Bring To Your Appointment:
Please bring all relevant information that is related to your complaint including previous surgical records and X-rays. - Postoperative Instructions:
The following pages provide postoperative instructions and information:- General Postoperative Instructions
- Shoulder Scope Discharge Instructions
- Suture Removal
- If You Have Concerns
- Postoperative Medications
- Sling Instructions
- Medication Refill Policies
- Dental Procedures and Antibiotics
- Items to remember to bring:
- X-rays, reports, test results
- MRI Films & Reports
- Arthrogram Films & Reports
- CT Scan Films & Reports
- Medical Records
- Surgical/Operative Report
- Insurance Card
- Referral
- Photo ID
- X-ray, MRI, CT, & Arthrogram Films and Reports:
Please bring any recent x-rays, MRIs, CTs, and Arthrogram films and reports that relate to the problem that will be evaluated at your visit. Some offices or hospitals may give you a disc instead of printed films. Bringing this disc is fine because we are able to view your films and reports in our computer system. - Medical Records:
Please obtain and bring with you a copy of your medical records. - Surgical Report:
If you have had a previous surgery on your shoulder or knee, we need to have the most recent operative report so that we know what type of surgery you have had. - Referral:
If required by your insurance carrier, obtain a referral from your primary care physician and bring it with you. - Insurance Card:
Bring your insurance card. We will need to make a copy of the card for your records. - Photo ID:
Bring a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, state-issued ID card, etc.).